Week 8

As we wrap up this course, this week we'll ask you to consider how can you be a STEM role model. 

Read: Blog / 4 Ways Every Teacher Can Be a STEM Role Model

Reflect: Post your response to the prompt below by Monday morning.

We recognize that there are many reasons for enrolling in a book study for STEM clock hours, and that some of you may have begun this class wondering how the content could be relevant for your life and your professional context. This week, we invite you to imagine ways that you could begin to see yourself as a STEM role model for your students, no matter how STEMish your title is. Even if you do not teach science, technology, engineering, or math, how might STEM thinking find its way into your work? What steps, large or small, might you take personally or professionally to help broaden your students' understanding of what a STEM role model looks like?

Interact: On Monday, read your colleagues' reflections and respond to at least one other post by sharing a comment, insight, or interesting possibility by next Thursday.