Week 1

This class was developed with non-STEM teachers in mind, pulling in current resources and perspectives on the importance of STEM thinking for all students. Each week we will look at a different aspect of STEM that you may not have considered before. Our goal in this course is for you to leave with a broader understanding about what STEM is and how you can support the development of STEM skills in your classroom. WEEK 1 WHY STEM?

*Optional Resource: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM)

Reflect: Post your response to the prompt below by Monday morning.

First, begin by briefly introducing yourself--tell us who you are and what your teaching context is. Then, read through some foundational documents explaining why STEM matters in Washington schools, and consider your own understanding of the value of STEM and STEM thinking.

Based on your reading and thinking so far, why does STEM matter? What value does it add in classes and contexts that are not typically thought of as STEM?

Interact: On Monday, read your colleagues' reflections and respond to at least one other post by sharing a comment, insight, or interesting possibility by next Thursday.